"..i should be on top of the world, just chillin' here." - Drake
i push the limits everyday when i wake up in the morning yo.. i try to be the last to go to sleep & the first person up, ignoring pain, anguish & the defeat i experience in small goals that i may have not met.
my honesty in which i put forth to alotta things stains alotta things in the same tense.. i don't know. all i know is open-eyed purity because thats what i want people to see when they look at me; not an image of something else.. or less than what i'm suppose to be taken for.
so at the end of it all, its a free-fall.
but i stay calm.. stay patient & observe what God wants me to do & how He wants me to move next & i look myself in the eyes every morning & i tell myself the same thing:
"..round 2, Ace."