Monday, September 21, 2009

Fall is For Lovers.

the song that sets the tone for my days during the fall season is John Legend's "Save Room". i don't know why but when the song came out, thats the song that i was playing everyday when i got home from work, get clean to go to class (college).

i use to be the preppy producer until everyone decided to say "..oh snap, thats different & hot - well, lemme do the same thing!" - so i got away from it. but now the times have changed, MYSELF has changed, my music & creative thinking has changed, i think being more "gentleman" is more of a better fit. i've neverrrr been a fan of suits & probably won't be until i'm about 30 with about 5-6 zero's behind a number in my bank account.

i've always liked the shirt & tie, executed with thin wool/cashmere sweater. then with me, either khakis, most likely or some nice denim (none of that Coogi crap) to lay over some Boates or some Air Maxes.

the only thing about cashmere is, its kinda difficult to clean if damaged or whatever.. some spots have nice cashmere sweaters for low prices & then there are spots that you shouldn't go into unless you have ties with Bill Gates or someone like that, haha.

we're gonna see. time for some change. i can't wear Stussy, Skate Fairies & Air Maxes AAAAALLLL my life, lol.
