Saturday, March 27, 2010

Saturday Fever.

i think i've gotten a little out of touch with the side of me where i keep my mouth closed & let life play itself out. under normal circumstances (nowadays) i attack anything & everything head-on, consequences included. but sometimes i sit & think about those consequences & retarded looks on peoples' faces i get when i just accept alotta things that can't be magnified, nor altered, for the way they are. now NATURALLY, i don't take alotta things for face value, being that i see more behind whats being given or shown - but i also understand that there are things that you CAN'T really put your finger on & just have to accept them. thats just how it is. recently i've accepted the fact that i think alot stronger & FASTER than most of the people around me; so apologizes to those individuals if what you tell, explain, cater or sell to me, has already been taken into consideration. just know that my mind probably has been there a few times beforehand & got no answer that was solid enough to go off of or to make a rational decision off of. *sips apple juice* - i think i put this side of myself on the back burner to ride up front where everything is more enlarged, fancy & at my fingertips --- & i got distracted. i rotated with driving & being a side-seat passenger, but the elements in which have been placed around me, have allowed me to initiate certain things that i, myself, may not have been ready for - or for me to GO the route of going head-on with individuals, delivering them (or at least trying to) from what they THINK they know, to what they ALREADY know & making it plain as the Bible says (KJV x Old Testament Habakkuk 2:2). so today & until i feel that its safe for me to do otherwise, i'll go back to how i was before everything turned sour about 3 years ago & take the backseat on pretty much 90% of what i know, deal with or have my hands in - & let the other passengers take the wheel. guaranteed its not gonna be a fun ride because my thinking according to them is to angular or "not solid" or BAD for a lack of a word, lmao. with knowing these things, imma make sure i wear my seatbelt.

*finishes apple juice, puts cup in the sink, goes to the shower*

"ShtIsQuiteSimple." /// mndsgn
