nowwww, i'm an ass because i completely forgot that Wiz Khalifa (Taylor Gang or Die) is gonna be here in Norfolk, June 12th at the Norva yo. i got reminded when my homegirl told me she bought her ticket & her brother's ticket cause its the same day as his birthday. i said "son of aaaa bitch." like, i had completely forgot. needlesstosay, the Norva is gonna be packed more than ever when he comes - what killed me the other day was one of my friends gon' tell me he didn't know who Wiz was or ever heard of 'em - but had Lil Wayne's No Ceilings mixtape playing in the deck, telling me it was the best mixtape ever.. *pause* --- that face you're making or the little comment that you just made to yourself that no one else heard, i did all of that. smh. i think imma hit him up & tell him that he needs to be at the Norva in June to get acquainted with Wiz.