..i know that this was a movie but the imagery that was captured with the camera was excellent & in a sense, i can relate 110%.
some people usually excuse their real feelings & emotions & its ALWAYS expected that a man never show them, but how can you really be a man if you're dishonest in how you truly feel? how can you be taken serious or treated as a man when you're not treating yourself as a man?
this picture AND movie let me know that there are people, with superhuman powers or not, still fight themselves everyday more than they fight other people.. it let me know that perfection is never close to any grasp of ANY man or woman, except Him.. accepting imperfection is what i've come to see & acknowledge, thanks to some good reading that i came across.
i can talk all day but this picture & its meaning says more than words can EVER explain. the faster people understand that the way i see this life i live & the world we live in as being some world of ignorance & material, the faster they will see the same things i see.. until then, i'm going to stay disattached from this line of static that people constantly try to make sense of, that people constantly stay oblivious to, with the truth around them & just.. ...float.