alot of this blog is to keep people on the up & up on what i am doing musically but please don't
get it confused - i'm still human..
sometimes i get into think mode where my mind is on a damn swivel trying to understand what i
hear & what i see because clearly they both don't mesh & neither do the events that follow.
i believe even SUPERMAN needed a day off so why do people think that i'm gonna be Superman all the time?
why is it that i have to be so spotless when everything else around me is so unclean?
why must i have to explain myself so precise when no one or nothing else around me explains theirselves
enough for the bare esstenial information that is needed or required?
how can someone suggest something to me when those same suggestions have not worked for them?
how come it hasn't become clear that i cannot continue constantly caring for or about shit that has nothing to do with
me; on top of that, knowing that what i may tell you, the same feeling may be present....?
when did it become so foggy to people that the climb to the top after falling is TWO TIMES
as harder than it was getting there the first time..?
what part of my SOUL belongs to someone who doesn't own any heart or self respect?
what part of me has my name written on it if my mind isn't EVER attached, jacked into THIS world?
how come the world that i inhabit by myself is more clear & more clean than the one that i was born into?
or am i suppose to be here period...?
when did it become a requirement to have material stability over faithful, spiritual stability?
when did it get so bad that between 2 real people having a conversation so much FAKE shit can become evident?
how come change is needed more in people who are in high places in life versus those who
have never the bottom.. if you think about that for a moment, that makes some sense.
why is the feeling of being alone the feeling that feels so much better than being around a group of people
or an environment that should make you feel full in yourself...?
i think i'm back to trying to stand out more than i already am...
i'm done ... thats all i got to say.