pretty soon imma meet that roadblock that i can't move.
pretty soon imma see something that wasn't TRUELY meant for me to see.
pretty soon imma not want anymore.
pretty soon imma just not be able to take anymore.
of anything.
pretty soon i'll voice in a sense of panic, which will turn into anger;
anger that i'll solely be blamed for & not of its origin.
pretty soon imma let go of everything because it shows signs of wanting to let go of me -
no matter how much work i put into trying to hold on to it.
pretty soon these words will officially mean nothing because for alotta people -
i won't make myself accessible by any way, shape or form.
pretty soon imma wanna know why i'm the underdog that NO ONE bets on unless its ---
pretty soon imma want to know what you see in me.
pretty soon imma stop looking for results & progression & just stop.
i can't say i'll get tired soon cause i've been tired.
but pretty soon imma be a long shot for people to grasp;
pretty soon;
pretty soon everyone will dismiss what they've seen, heard or felt for greater goods & lesser evils -
& see they've had a misunderstanding of someone that doesn't walk the same line as they do.
pretty soon i'll no longer be the target for everyone else's frustration;
pretty soon i'll no longer be the safe haven that everyone runs to.
pretty soon it'll all be air.

..death of a soopahero?
Pac Div x Colin Monroe /// "Underdogs II"