last year this time i had a leg-length knee immobilizer (brace) on my leg from a bad knee injury & really was unsure of what was next. really wasn't capable of doing much of anything & i suffered.. a year later, i'm back at it again - doing what i do best - me. these pictures were apart of about 8 or 9 shots that i was able to get in while i was in a photoshoot, taking pictures for someone else. i just chose the best ones & said the hell with it. something that i noticed people been talking about: skinny people talking about big people. classic ignorance. yeah, there's lines & limits but in the end, leave people the hell alone. just cause YOU need a meal, doesn't you take food outta someone ELSES mouth. yeah, imma bigger guy & if you don't like it, pay no attention to me. don't look at any of my pictures. at one point, i didn't like taking full body pictures because i know i'm not 180lbs - imma be 23 this year.. kinda tired of thinking with that mentality.. so if you don't like it & don't respect it - i speak for all bigger guys from 220lbs & up --- go die.