courtesy of MTV x ATF (i do that because i see alotta "bloggers" *cough, bullshitters, cough, thieves, cough, hard cough* take posts from people & be stealing word for word, don't elaborate on the shxt they stole, don't know what it is that they stole & its kinda disrespectful to me & other TRUE bloggers.. its called respect.)
anyway, courtesy of MTV x ATF, Drake sat down with Sway & explained why he doesn't & isn't gonna have anyone else headlining with him in his Away From Home Tour thats gonna last for about 2 months.. thennn after the video, imma tell you what he's saying/thinking in MY opinion, lol.
anyway, courtesy of MTV x ATF, Drake sat down with Sway & explained why he doesn't & isn't gonna have anyone else headlining with him in his Away From Home Tour thats gonna last for about 2 months.. thennn after the video, imma tell you what he's saying/thinking in MY opinion, lol.