this world has been corrupted by the lazy & destroyed by the rich & its only going to get worse. people are now relying on more machines or artificial intelligence & thinking that they're going to be able to control what they create.. that sht isn't going to happen. you build things with A.I. & its GOING to get smarter FASTER & then you're screwed.
people have slowly but surely lessened the value of morals & understanding like never before. i've never seen sooo many people that feed off of a weakness of a human to propel themselves upward. we are suppose to pick each other up, not put each other down. this world has become a breeding ground for deceit, revenge, hate & injustice by the hands of those with too much power & those with not enough material (go back, reread, comprehend & think about these last few lines & then you'll understand what i'm saying).
its safe to say now that mankind is doomed because mankind is now lacking love, faith & moral. but then again, technically this IS just my opinion...
..or is the news & economy proving my point enough for you?