Monday, September 14, 2009

Can't Tell Me Nothing.

..Mr. Kanye West..

now, i have like 7 people that waited on me to speak about this because they know i'm a Kanye fanatic.. & the truth is, Ye's actions spoke for themselves. if i have to break them down, this is what it is:

Beyonce & Lady Gaga were the 2 heavyweights in the category for best female video - either one of them were suppose to have one. the other nominees were lightweights & don't have hits or record sales; they mighta had plays on the radio in a little rotation but nothing serious. then you got Taylor Swift who is a fckin country music singer, 17yrs old - she don't even have money to TAN good enough yet, looking all pale & crap - winning the category on an MTV broadcast...

now that doesn't even fckin look right.. Taylor Swift over those two??? the shit was rigged, yo.. then once again, you're country music - why are you nominated in MTV? don't get that part. you were suppose to be nominated - you weren't really suppose to win. sounds wrong but you can suck a penis if you don't like what i'm saying. get off my blog then.

so when Kanye came up on stage, it wasn't really to ruin Taylor (well, not directly) - it was to say that MTV was messed up for rigging the damn category so that neither one of the heavyweights could win. now, i honestly didn't care who won - as long as it wasn't beyonce ---- but Taylor Swift?? btch sounds like a household cleaning tool. like, wtf? then you're a country music artist on MTV? dafck?? so Kanye says that B' had one of the best videos of all time & indirectly said MTV, you're a bunch of btches for this - & to Taylor Swift; basically, you got lucky sweetheart.. go kill yourself.

i know she was scared as btch yo, lmao!

a black man running up on stage in the middle of a speech for an award that you just got & basically killing your self esteem. hahahaha! then Beyonce wants to be all nice & crap, gon let her come back out & say what she needed to say & stuff.. thats cool & all but eehhhhhhh... lmao. i dunno if i woulda went that far.. it was the lady thing to do but ehhhh.. *iffy face*

all in all, another classic moment from Kanye West & his spazzing, & yes, he apologized or whatever, but still - all haters can suck a penis. shoutout to the hater broad on Facebook that got mad at me because i had general opinions about Kanye & why she should be mad at herself for not paying her own cell phone bill, with her RAGGEDY ASS.
