..i can honestly say that they were right.

this woman is like that power boost you get when you hold R1 on Nintendo Gamecube's NFL Street, haha. you start running stuff over, jumping off lamp post to make a touchdown. hahahaha!
i know people read my blog daily & are like "..if this dude blogs about her one more time.." - kiss my ass.
i just want her to know that when i'm with her, i can put the world in my back pocket & sit on it for a while because i don't worry about anything with her. technicallyyyy, this last year, 3 months & 5 days have been the best.. i've never said that about any female - EVER - especially when "i know this aint the peak, thooough.." i want her to know that she gives me hope & strengthens my faith daily.. that she's such a beautiful woman & that i'm happy that she gave me a chance to put a smile on her face & in her heart everyday. kinda like Trey Songz said - "..i think i'm done - i've found that one."
i love you Breezy.

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