one of the best drummers to watch outside of AppleJuice Kid & QuestLove is Jay-Z's personal drummer, Tony Royster, Jr. this dude is dammit nice. he's been playing drums since he was like 4-5 years old, like a professional because his dad was a drummer. he ended up BECOMING a professional drummer aat like 7-8 years old. his dad died when he was younger & he's taken his legacy & surpassed the expectations of many drummers.
he really showed his skills on Jay-Z's Storytellers a while back when "American Gangster" came out & they were performing the songs for that. he's just really dope yo.. foot speed is waaayyyy faster than most, including mine, his reaction time is superior & he be fly!
check him out here where he's practicing on a set of KW drums; awesome yo: