so - i've always loved Europe. everything about Europe (for the most part) is so much more lively than the US. germany was cool as hell & i've always wanted to go to London, Prague, Barcelona & Paris. there's certain areas that as Americans, we need to stay the hell away from in Europe but i'm not gonna get into those areas - you'll just have to do your homework.
shout out to my man Corey; he lives in Madrid, Spain & the only spot i knew about in Spain was Barcelona.. so something said check it out after he said something about visiting & whatnot. first thing i checked was weather cause i'm a particular person when it comes to weather. in august the average temperature is barely 90 degrees.. i said to myself, okay this could work, lol.
he told me about the clothing market & food - not a good report lol, but i think it could be dope as always to try other foods, as someone who likes cooking/culinary arts. i've always wanted to ride on Madrid Metro but i got discouraged a little when some metro got bombed a few years back..
the Grand Via area is where i would probably spend alotta time at when i were to first get there - the architecture is just dammit fly yo, lol. i don't know though; i gotta do some more homework on Madrid but from what i've seen & investigated on so far, its pretty cool. time to get a new damn passport.