i've seen the biggest dudes out of a clique, be the brokest dudes but talked the most shxt. once they got money - they talked more shxt. money has become one of those things where it makes people ridiculous. i see more flaunting of cash & material things than i do seeing people invest in someTHING or someONE. its no question that the economy is technically still in a recession, despite how its kinda stabled itself with the President handling his business. nevertheless, its no reason for people to be as unnecessary (for a lack of a word) as they are with money. the smart man/woman who's been in a financial deficit can come into a small sum of money & know how to use/work & stretch that small sum of money.. most of the time these people are those who've been humble since they were younger & probably never had much, so they appreciate more. the same rules apply if the sum of money was large. now, the game changes when someone who's use to being silver-spooned is without.. those type of people really don't know how to survive without money & are use to having it. i've seen so many of these type blow money just because they've either got money to burn or they've got access to people that can give them what they want at the drop of a dime. i've seen these types of people get angry when you try to help them coordinate & help them govern their money more efficiently.
now, not all of these same silver-spoon people are the same. some actually wanna invest or know where every dollar is going.. but 85% of them don't want that help to be told NOR SHOWN how to help themselves & help their money. i mean, what do you really do in those situations? everyone knows that the answer is 'nothing' --- unless its going to directly affects YOU.. thats when shxt hits the fan. i've personally never understood how people who've always had everything, do nothing but continue to want everything - but don't want to work to get it. how the hell can you like money but not like ethic it takes to obtain & MAINTAIN it? i've seen these same people do some of the smallest amounts of work & they act as if they've been working for like 24hrs straight. i've seen them try & tell others what THEY need to do with THEIR money & they haven't done the same shxt they're preaching about with their OWN money. how am i suppose to take you serious..? something else that baffles me: why is that when people obtain money, they feel they're smarter than the next person? that kinda mentality turns into greed with less & less ethic & induces more stupidity. how do you really think thats gonna work out?
i've seen how money will make people go back on their word to a close friend. i've seen how money will make you choose wrong over right to GAIN more money, knowing the consequences. i've seen money commit murder & treason, disloyalty & disrespect. i've seen money cause car accidents; i've seen money with blood on it. i've seen men & women cling to those with money, leaving those who struggle to maintain it due to responsibility, behind. i've seen money ruin relationships in all forms & fashion. i've NEVER seen money grow on a tree.. i've seen money become of the most beautiful things in the life that i had BEFORE the one i have now.. but i've seen how money destroys life in the near future.. taking more than just one person, place & thing down & OUT with it.. is money for the greater good --- or the lesser evil? you decide.