aight, so, i've come to be more attracted to Macs for some reason lately (lately meaning the last 6-7months) - but the only thing i don't like about them NOW is that Bill Gates is on it now - meaning Windows is or can be on it. the world's safest brand of computer is now vulnerable to viruses. smh. nevertheless, them joints are still dope.

but now Apple has stepped their game up. i've been following the Apple iTablet since October because i honestly think i want one. the only thing NOW that i'm seeing is Apple saying that the price for this bxtch is about a grand.. yes, $1000. now, technically, thats not bad considering what you pay for a Macbook or Macbook Pro.. so for a grand, is the iTablet worth it, when i could take that same money & get a Macbook?
the iTablet comes with 64GB of memory which was surprising to know - but then again this IS Apple, lol. its gonna have a custom OS (operating system) & its touchscreen, something that Apple has just went fckin crazy with. in all, its just gonna be a big ass iTouch. the joint is gonna have like a 6-9hour battery life, a little less than the Macbook Pro.

i wanna see where they take this joint - theyre saying theyre gonna release it FINALLY in March & i think Apple, once again, is gonna set the world on fire.