i remember when people would speak to me & tell me how they loved my music or loved my artwork, when i knew they were just lying to me, smiling in my face as if i couldn't REALLY see their REAL "them" -- remembering that back THEN, it was okay & i didn't worry too much about it.. but i also remember the long nights i had to deal with.. from running all the time from my fears & most hated decisions..
i remember when running was sooo much easier than standing & fighting. i remember when i could smile in the face of danger but once it gave me more time to pay up & turned its back, i ran with the quickness to get as far away as possible.. until i got caught - & finally had to deal with everything i was running from.. less money.. [ shit, NO money sometimes; just being real with you.. ] less time.. more pain.. more anguish.. more hunger. i remember when it was all a dream.. i look at everything in my past as nothing more than a set of tools. i remember when i smiled alot.. then it faded --- but for some reason she's the only reason i smile now.. but i don't want her thinking that she's the ONLY only reason i smile -- even though smiling because of her is the best smiling.. =)
in the end, i guess one day it'll all make sense.. one day i'll make the effort to make sense of it all.. cause at THIS point it DOESN'T make sense."..i remember you, this feeling isn't new, so please don't be scared of me, please don't be scared.. of me.." /// Drake