every now & again we all have those times where we really cannot explain how we feel or why we feel the way that we may be feeling at a certain time or FOR a certain amount of time. sometimes we don't think many people can relate.. at least thats how i feel because thats how its been like that all my life.
what i understand now more than ever is that what i see now so clearly is what i was seeing some time ago but wasn't equipped with the tools or knowledge to understand at the time that it was seen & sensed.. alotta times my mind is one of those things that work on too many remote channels --- at one time.. so basically, it can be all over the place. for those who know me, the last 3 years of my life have been nothing but issue after issue, problem after problem, hardship after hardship -- & it can take a toll on you if you're not strong enough. i get the statement "..i dunno how you've done it yo.. thru all of what YOU'VE been thru."
i guess the will power that i have to not be defeated.. i dunno. i honestly believe i knew what faith was before i knew the background & groundwork about faith in general.. i never sleep. hell, as i'm writing this, note that i haven't had the adequate amount of sleep that a normal human needs to function properly. haha.
i live my life one drum pattern at a time with a nicely chopped sample.. 8 bars. i've learned that if you take on more than what you know you can maintain, you're gonna lose.. & you'll get warnings that it may not be a good idea.. its up to you to make the choice to regroup or suffer down the road.
right now, i really wish i could get someone to flip the switch so i could get a break from all of what i deal with but i know thats not going to happen so i just pray that it all works out for the better because it WILL get better.. well - in alotta things, my life has gotten easier since December 31, 2008. alotta things became alot more evident, clear & of course, easier. i realize & recognize more than ever that everything isn't a cakewalk, but love is a powerful force. every step, word & feeling holds a value.
"The Beach House Interlude"