what is fashion // clothing to people nowadays anyway? i thought it was an expression artistic efforts to separate ourselves or distinguish ourselves from one another in appearance & accent the definition of ourselves that has ALREADY been given..? like, when did it get to the point where clothes & other material things became things that are meant to say "I've got this & you don't & SINCE you don't, i'm classifying myself as being better than you.." ??? like, when did it hit this point? then to top it off, the public (especially black society) - ENCOURAGES this behavior, which is destroying the youth: making monsters of young men & brainwashing young girls that seem to have grown up to STAY girls; never becoming women. its gotten retarded. all because someone said it was cool to be materialistic.. shameful as hell.
i like looking nice just like anyone else, but its not mandatory that i have to have EVERY NEW THING OUT or the most EXCLUSIVE shit in life. when did it get THAT DAMN BAD that clothes & money made the person? they simply just make life APPEAR to be better. most of these dudes & broads are po' pimpin'..
*covers his mouth* -- i'm not gonna keep going with that though.. thats a story for another day.
anyway, the name of the line is BobbyFresh.
dope... as... hell.
