I will be putting out a graphic t-shirt line later on this year called LAWNDREEMAT. The idea was spawned on doing laundry one day at a local laundromat & the love I have for graphic t-shirts. I have been working on designs & ideas for the last year & a half. The first collection will be 7 designs/shirts that buyers will be able to choose from. I will be starting out with basic black t-shirts & white t-shirts but all with different designs.
I will be looking to promote my line thru local fashion shows or various fashion expos around/anywhere so when the time comes & you are interested, please contact me at rdavis.green@gmail.com
There will be a beat tape that will be out for free download when the line does come out entitled "The LAWNDREEMAT Beat Tape", produced by me, SINOPTRIS.
easy now.