i've found out in the last week or so that there still are people that don't wanna see you excel but also wanna run YOUR life FOR you - & everyone that knows me, knows thats not how i operate. i've been further cautioned & reminded that there still are people watching me; just as i was told in my younger days - that there's always someone who's watching you.. for you to stay ahead of curve, 2 steps ahead. there's always gonna be a set of people that wanna set an image FOR you instead of honoring & respecting the image that you already have. there's always gonna be people that know nothing about you but swear they've made you once YOU'VE made it on your own. i've seen a few things that seem to be happening or going to happen in the near future but i try to stay optimistic about any & everything because negativity just brings more negativity. in the end you can only do so much - just make sure what you do is more than the next person.. *Ace
for all that DON'T know, i own a graphic advertising & design business & i finally went official into it all last year. my company is Universia Media & last year was like any other new business - it was the foundation year; the learning year. i had to put it all down at the end of last year, coming into this year for some redevelopment stages & replenishing of resources. i had some things going on that were affecting my work & drive, but i've returned with a new mission statement & outlook on my creative services to the public. i decided to add a lot of new flare to my previous look, being that IN my time away from it all, i was learning new things, brushing up on my college education that had landed me into starting my own business & also putting together new & better innovative ideas in my appearance, as well as being responsible later for the creation of image for clients. come January 2011 (if the world & i are still standing), i'm hoping & looking forward to me & my business to be in full bloom, as well as this guy. he's given me words of encouragement MANY times over & one of the few that believe in me when others don't. Universia Media; endlessness. *Ace