today has been one of those days where after a key event i had on my schedule, i think i got ahead of myself. maybe i might had put all my eggs in one basket like i've done many times in the past.. i've just got so many plans for so many things. i've got so many ideas & their are key goals i need to obtain in order to fulfill those ideas & plans.. so i gotta slow down mentally & regroup so that the outcome i want is the outcome i get. yeah.. lets live.. cause sometimes we all need to slow down not only physically, but also mentally.
i'm currently about to begin a project that fuses music & photography together. i had wanted to compose this kind of thing before a year ago or so but i didn't have everything in place but this time around, it should be a better setup. i was more worried about the music more than the photography, which is what this is going to be; 5 produced instrumentals by me & photos from 2 photoshoots that include me & another person. the project is entitled "DigitalBerlin". the title came to me from actually having a love for the city of Berlin, Germany & the atmosphere that it holds, from so many different declarated photographers that come from Berlin that have been all over the world & taken pictures in the fashion industry, from XXL to Vogue of all international genres. my love for music, its richness, its heart, melodies, composition & being a channel for emotions, makes up the 'digital' aspect of this project. this project may appear to be small when finished & issued but the art is what counts & means the most & if you're a real photographer/artist, you'll see it & feel it. stay close.
got a chance to have a photoshoot with my girl today. feels good being able to spend more time with her, even though she sneezed without covering her mouth while my mouth was open AND forces me to cook all the time, lol. anyway, here's a few shots & you can check out the rest on my Flickr..