i said i wasn't going to be blogging for a while but when thoughts come to mind, they gotta get out. i was told to write everything down when it happens/spawns, so that's just what i've been doing.. that way, at the end of it all, i can speak about it all as one big fairytale. to be honest, the last few months are trying to clear up up but its been nothing more than a blur.. certain parts of the last 2-3 months are no more than figures.. bodies with no faces.. sheets of paper with writings on them but its so blurry that i can't make out the figures. what i've found though, is that with those things being blurry, the things that matter the most or mean the most have been getting clearer & clearer for the last several weeks. i was looking at the world around me with just a naked eye, when i had been taught long time ago how to look at things with a more complex eye.. so once i return to the world that YOU know, i'll be purposely refreshed, rewired &reinvented.
..just letting all my real followers, friends & even the people that don't like me, know that i'm still breathing.. i've gotten alotta thoughts cleared up in my head since i've been away from homebase for the last few weeks. "..time reveals true friendship." - as my man D. Will said (shoutout to D. Will). i've been rebuilding for the last year & a half & i still am. when i return, it'll be a whole new mind behind my madness. thank me later. see you in March. pce.